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A Guide to Embedded Payments for Nonprofit SaaS Providers

Embedded Payments

U.S. donors gave an astounding $99.33 billion in charitable donations in 2022. These donations serve as the lifeblood of nonprofits, enabling them to provide impactful programs, initiatives, and services that leave their mark on society.

Ensuring a reliable flow of donations is of top priority for nonprofits — yet accomplishing this goal takes more than just attention-grabbing campaigns and robust outreach efforts. Nonprofits need powerful payment processing technology that caters to their unique needs while encouraging donors to give.

Considering the outsized role that payment processing plays in the success of organizations, non-payment SaaS providers in the nonprofit space have a lot to gain by integrating payment processing technology within their platforms. Many of the industry’s top donor management, CRM, and fundraising tools have successfully positioned themselves as end-to-end nonprofit solutions with embedded payment functionality. As a result, they’re earning new revenue on processing fees while also bringing clients a better experience.

With a growing number of integrated fundraising and donor management solutions popping up on the market, nonprofits are shifting away from receiving merchant processing services via an independent sales organization (ISO) or payment processors like PayPal or Stripe. Instead, they’re choosing to work with their main nonprofit software provider, and they’re realizing a number of benefits as a result — such as lower processing fees and a vastly improved feature set. 

Read this white paper to learn:

  • What are embedded payments?
  • What the benefits are for nonprofit SaaS providers
  • How to solve specific nonprofit payment challenges
  • Using embedded payments in fundraising, admission-based, and donor management software
  • Considerations for choosing an embedded payments partner

Interested in some hands-on guidance to choose the best option for your business? Set up a quick, no-commitment chat with a member of our team! We take pride in helping software leaders like you navigate the payments landscape. Get in touch and we can help!

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