About Us
Exact Payments provides the easiest-to-integrate, most comprehensive, and scalable payments solution for growing software platforms, online merchants and their financial institution partners. Backed by top-tier support and deep payments expertise, Exact enables your business to deliver frictionless buying journeys that enhance customer experiences and improve retention, while activating a new, high-margin revenue stream.
Since 1999, Exact’s mission has been to build the most trusted payment solutions for the North American market. The Exact platform processes >1 billion transactions for leading customers, including Cineplex, Allianz, Levi’s, and Carfax, and is integrated with leading processors in the U.S. and Canada. Supporting more than 5,000 merchants, 24 x 7, and delivering > 99.99% uptime availability with transaction response times of less than one second, you can count on Exact to propel payments for your growing business.
Our Team
Exact’s leadership team is a group of payments and SaaS veterans who came together based on a shared vision for building the most innovative, scalable and highly reliable payment solutions in the industry. At the foundation of our strategy is the belief that payments seamlessly integrated into your software platform and core systems enables the creation of new and better customer buying experiences.
Starting with our open developer portal, full-stack sandbox environment, and 24/7 technical support team of experienced engineers with deep product knowledge, Exact is committed to delivering fully on each client’s expectations and vision for their own business.
Our investors are led by Platform Partners LLC, a private holding company headquartered in Houston, TX.