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PayFac-as-a-Service Demonstration Video

PayFac as a Service Demo Video

Exact Payments delivers turn-key PayFac-as-a-Service solutions, enabling you to accelerate your revenue through payments, and deliver better customer experiences while we handle the behind-the-scenes operations. Our payfac-as-a-service dashboard gives you the tools to manage your payments business, including the ability to automate underwriting processes, onboard clients with same-day account approval, securely store active client details, and gain insight through detailed reporting — all delivered through our online portal or via an integration with our intuitive API.

In this demo video, you’ll learn about features such as:

  • Onboarding: Create online applications and embed them into your website for a seamless customer experience.
  • Underwriting: Use customized underwriting workflows and our automated underwriting technology to assess the risk of each client.
  • Real-Time Approvals: Gain near real-time account approvals so your clients can start processing payments faster.

Watch the video today! Interested in some guidance on the best option is for your business? Click here to set up a quick, no-commitment chat with a member of our team! We take pride in helping software leaders like you to navigate the payments landscape. Get in touch and we can help!

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